4 Tips to Set Goals for Success in 2016
83% of the population does not have goals according to personalplan.com. It is important to be a part of the 17% of people who do set goals to ensure success! Goals should be identified by writing them down every quarter throughout the year and kept track of on a daily basis.
Below are 4 tips for setting your 2016 goals:
1) Think “S.M.A.R.T.” How specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound are the goals you are setting? If your goals are not in line with the “S.M.A.R.T.” acronym you should think about rephrasing your goal or coming up with a new goal all together.
2) What benefits do you receive from reaching these goals? When brainstorming goals for this quarter, you should be identifying benefits of achieving this goal. This benefit can be for the learning experience, career related, or personal.
3) Write down not only goals, but action items. Action items are how you plan on achieving this goal. If your goal is to read a book a month, describe how you are going to make that possible. Such as reading 30 pages a day, or choosing which books you are going to read for the next 3 months.
4) Celebrate your success! Once you have fulfilled one of your goals, you should celebrate! Go on a trip, or treat yourself to a shopping trip. Achieving goals can be hard work, but will make all the difference in your personal and career success.
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